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  • The Thinking Machine -
    Large retrospective show with many artists from computer art history: Ai-Da Robot, Victor Acevedo, Vladimir Bonačić, Analivia Cordeiro, Pierre Cordier, Geoff Davis, Hans Dehlinger, Boris Eldagsen, Primavera de Filippi, Herbert W. Franke, Hein
  • Iglesias, Ricardo. La máquina y la carne. La realidad vs el arte róbotico. ISBN: 9788415415190 th ed.Madrid: Evohé: In "De Prometeo a Frankenstein. Autómatas, ciborgs y otras criaturas más que humanas" Various Authors, 2012.
  • Cantoni, Rejane and Maria Teresa Santoro. Künstliches Leben: Frankensteins Nachkommen Dichtung Digital (online) (2002).
  • data.scan -
    Ryoji Ikeda is one of Japan’s most celebrated electronic composers. Since 1995 he has been making work that investigates the characteristics of sound, exploring frequencies and the fundamentals of data. He has collaborated with a diverse range of
  • PointScreen - video
    PONTSCREEN : MINORITY REPORT STYLE INTERFACE 2003 PointScreen is an interface for touchless control of a screen. Inspired by the Theremin, the first electric musical instrument that can be played without touch, we have developed a digital technology
  • Fly Objects © 2018, Christa SOMMERER & Laurent MIGNONNEAU represented by: Galerie Charlot, Paris Galerie Anita Beckers, Frankfurt Fly Objects is collection of artworks in different forms and formats, they are all based on the motif of the fly.
  • E[Y]GG[E] - video
    E[Y]GG[E] is an interactive Net Art / E-Poetry piece created in Flash in the year 2000. It is a meditation about time and space on the Net and elsewhere. Exhibited i.e.: AJAC 2000 Art Show, Metropolitan Art Museum Tokyo, Japan, 2000; Faculty
  • Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) is a collective of five tactical media practitioners of various specializations including computer graphics and web design, film/video, photography, text art, book art, and performance. Formed in 1987, CAE's focus has
  • [epidemiC] is a network of people working in sectors as diverse as art, computer science, anthropology, communication, history, and economy. [epidemiC] explores the phenomena arising from the intrusion of computer science's cultural behaviors into
  • Sound sculptor and media artist Timo Kahlen (*1966) chooses to work with the ephemeral: with wind and steam, with light and shade, with pixels and dust, with sound, noise and vibration. His work has been shortlisted for various renowned