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  • M2 video
    ...Overall, the event is cyclical; however, the groups spend variable amounts of time going through the...
  • ... the direction like changing content, and eventually we meet people from elsewhere saying...
  • BioARTCAMP -
    ... workshop / conference / performance event where 20 national and international artists,...
  • ... can have unpredictable consequences; event, one is stranger then another and in the...
  • ... images were produced during the Fusion02 Event on December 6, 2002. The event was hosted by...
  • ..."Perceptive Dislocations" was a performative event at the Goethe-Institute Island in Second Life. ...
  • Walk Münster -
    ... with locations and conjectured events are called to mind. Due to the high quality...
  • ... Based on sound poetry of the famous Austrian poet Ernst Jandl the distributed poetry... integrating on-line participants into the event taking place in real physical space. It...
  • ... the preparatory stages, in Brazil, to the event in Havana. LART, in the Art and Science...
  • ... invited to participate and perform at the event. The group formed by undergraduate students...