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  • ... work reflected on the ideas of umwelt and biosemiotics as developed by Jakob von Uexkull and...
  • VR Aquarium - video
    ... the world gains a behavior similar to the biological world. Immersed in the virtual...
  • ... are considered being a pioneer in Bio Art – How did you “grow up” in the Bio...
  • Expanded Self -
    ... art and science and thus creates a biologically living whole-body picture. After the...
  • Biological theories, mathematical principles, and technology are founding elements in his work. He...
  • ... Art and Consciousness in the Post-Biological Era (July 1997); an international...
  • ... Moving Image and the Forces of Nature In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts:...
  • ... as a platform for hacking complex social, biological, and machine symbionts. Inventing and...
  • ...Stock, Mark. Flow simulation with vortex elements In Biologically-Inspired Computing for the Arts, ...
  • growth pattern -
    ... Bangalore; Centro Nacional de Ciencias Biológicas, India; Área de Fisiología Vegetal del...