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... coherent sound architectures. The... is a bearer of a sound message and the... is a bearer of a sound message and the...
...A permanent interactive sound installation for the Ft.... A permanent interactive sound installation for the Ft....
CubeLife artwork generating sound and images from... at-driven artwork generating sound and images from...
... by contemporary sound and visual artists. by contemporary sound and visual artists.
... a specific sound. The plant... plant reacts in a different way to contact... a specific sound. The plant...
... of a computer program, allows the... the accompanying sound of Wagner's Ride of... the accompanying sound of Wagner's Ride of...
... patterns. This archive can be accessed... processes into sound the very structure... processes into sound the very structure...
... based on the research data collected on the... vibrations and sounds produced from... vibrations and sounds produced from...
... surround-sound recording made in... surround-sound recording made in... by a five channel surround-sound...