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  • ... who are simultaneously present in the virtual environment. They can meet each other (by accident or intentionally), see abstracted avatar representations of each other, and when they come close to each other they can verbally communicate with each...
  • Architext - video
    ... scrolled through these elements, but because the alphanumeric units are spaced far apart, the projected information becomes abstracted into a more complex image - it generates a patterning of fragments of words and sentences that appear to weave in and out...
  • ... on the screen as users in these cities share new images. The display alternates between showing the actual photos and their abstraction - color squares representing images using their average hue. This abstracted representation allows viewers to compare...
  • ... I was always fascinated how Dali became obsessed with this image for a time in the middle 1950s. He went on to paint his own abstracted rendering of it in, which is quite nice. For my version, I took the original photograph of a friend on New Year's Eve...
  • ... shown by tractography (diffusion MRI) is computer-mirrored and projected onto two parallel plexiglass plates, on which an abstracted form of tractogram image is printed. Spatial installation based on video projection produces a volumetric but intangible...
  • ... – Digital Philosophy for Fredkin/Wolfram 2) binary - Von Neumann Machine – for Turing and von Neumann 3) differential - Abstracted Differential Analyzer – for Vannevar Bush 4) dna - DNA Computer for Michael Conrad and Leonard Adleman 5) neural - Neural...
  • ... (Caracas, 1964) dibuja “con el cine” animando líneas y figuras geométricas y Joan Wallace (Nueva York, 1959) realiza una pintura abstracta haciendo estallar un pastel blanco y carmesí ante nuestros ojos. Un conjunto de “pinturas” fílmicas que invitan a indagar, un...
  • NYC 1983-85 -
    ... event. The quasi-Surrealist character of the piece was a cryptic nod to Salvador Dali – especially with the inverted and abstracted crutch in the top center and the attenuated eye-object projections (cone, cube and hard-edged torus) emanating from the...
  • ...Dioramas of the Divine is a series of abstracted, interactive landscapes inspired by Greek mythology. The triptych creates a unified vision of awe and power, which is divided into three distinct scenes seen from the perspectives of the gods Zeus and Poseidon and the...
  • ... video projection above the pedestal. In the projection, the objects make the transition from real to imaged to increasingly abstracted as the system tries to make sense of them. (source: