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  • Müller Arisona, Stefan. Interview: George Legrady, chair of the Media Arts and Technology program.
  • Papagiannouli, Christina. Political Cyberformance: the Etheatre Project. Palgrave Pivot, UK: Palgrave McMillan, 2016.
  • „Sonic Antarctica“ features natural and industrial field recordings, sonifications and audifications of science data and interviews with weather and climate scientists. The areas recorded include: the „Dry Valleys“ (77°30’S 163°00’E) on the shore of
  • “The Ten Commandments was renowned for the massive set constructed in California's Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes -- some pieces stood over 30 metres tall. Worried that rival film studios might use the facsimiles of an ancient palace, massive Pharaoh
  • Microswarm Patchwalk -
    Microswarm PatchwalkArtist: Christina McPheeComment:
  • A premier survey of California-based McPhee’s experimental films from 2002-2011 will screen at 21:00 , 15 April , 2011 at Freies Museum, Potsdamer Strasse 91 Berlin. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr of Director’s Lounge, Berlin.
  • Event: La Chonchita N=Amour and other recent films by Christina McPheeInstitution: black hole cinemathequeComment:
  • McQuaid, Matilda and Philip Beesley and Sean Hanna, ed. EXTREME TEXTILES: DESIGNING FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2005.
  • McRobert, Laurie. Immersive Computer Art and the Making of Consciousness In Reframing Consciousness, edited by Roy Ascott, 32-37. Bristol, Wilmington: Intellect Books, 1999.
  • Christina McPhee’s images move within a matrix of abstraction, shadowing figures and contingent effects. Her work emulates potential forms of life, in various systems and territories, and in real and imagined ecologies. Her dynamic, performative,