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  • Migrations -
    A web of relationships through the displacement of the visitor's body in the room space, apprehending the moving figures of the tapes embedded in the columns and the frozen figures of frames from the video "migrações", which are gradually enlarged
  • ... end is my begining: (Diana Domingues)
  • ... associations or "virtual hallucinations" in real time. (D. Domingues)
  • Bio-Biblion is the library of life. There are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide image appears and disappears on the wall. Just like memories which come and go. And one bowl with blood moving in the middle of
  • ... Kudla. Laboral, Gijón (ES) 2009: „Beyond Stealth Learning and Domination - aspects of seriousness in games“, lecture, Media & Design...
  • CAGEBIM is an installation where the visitor interacts. The visitor enters in the room and can read a John Cage's affirmation: " I am always interested in listening to. I am always less interested on the fixed relation between the parts. I am
  • The installation proposes some poetic moments inside body’ landscapes using images of a scrutinezed body by technological medical devices. An internal camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are
  • Grove
    This videoinstallation offers an artificial and hybrid grove with trunks which support television sets with images of tree trunks. These pieces of trees like life pieces contrast with the trunks images which turn on the screens. It provokes a
  • Residues - video
    "Residues" is a multimedia installation which mixes materials and supports as large photographies, pigments, water, oil reflexion, electronic screens which are present in the same space with the electronic images. The screens show post-production
  • Paragens
    Paragens is a video installation with three environments: Clareira, Eye and Wall. The room in a dark blue is a like a data space full of electronic images, photographies, projections, reflected images. The visitors by they moving-around can get a