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  • Karina Smigla-Bobinski works as intermedia artist with analogue and digital media. She produces and collaborates on projects ranging from kinetic sculptures, interactiveinstallations, art interventions, featuring mixed reality and interactive art
  • ... Emotion Forecast est bâtit sur le modèle des systèmes prédictifs du... celle qui occupait l’entrée principale du Grand Palais (Still Moving)...
  • News/Reel
    NEWS and REEL (2005) were developed during an artist’s residency undertaken at the Media Archive for Central England (MACE), in September 2005. The residency was one of three organised as part Necessary Journeys, an Arts Council England programme
  • Agnes Hegedüs, born in Budapest in 1964 studied Photography and Video Art at the Budapest Academy of Applied Arts, followed by the Minerva Academy, Groningen, the Kunstakademie Enschede and the Institute of New Media, Städelschule, Frankfurt/Main.
  • Relational Architecture 2 "Displaced Emperors" was the second relational architecture project of Rafael Lozano-Hemmer. This installation used an "architact" interface to transform the Habsburg Castle in Linz, Austria. Wireless 3D sensors
  • Dennis Del Favero is an Australian artist and professorial fellow. He has been awarded numerous Artist-in-Residencies and Fellowships, including an Artist-in-Residence at Neue Galerie Graz and an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial
  • SKIN - video
    ... Response) interface, which measures their skin's moisture. The...
  • Scott S. Fisher is a media artist and interaction designer whose work focuses primarily on interactive environments and technologies of presence. Known for his pioneering work in the field of Virtual Reality at NASA, Fisher's media industry
  • Bodytext
    Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A dancer's movement and speech are re-mediated within an augmented environment employing real-time motion tracking, voice recognition, interpretative language systems,