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  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... as a jumble of characters, sprites and binary data. Scanline bytes are miscopied, transformed and duplicated. Memory is blitted...
  • ...4 Bad Emser Medienkunsttage, Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems. Art Bytes 2004 Bad Emser Medienkunsttage, Künstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral, Bad Ems. Art Bytes
  • ... of the Arts. His projects focus on the translation of bits and bytes into objects and environments and vice versa. Space, object,... 1973) started working in the field of interactive installation art after finishing his studies in the Digital Media Class at the...
  • ...Thompson, Seth. Bits and Bytes Colmuns: Zoe Beloff Dialogue: the Art, Architecture and Design Journal of the Heartland (January/February 2004). Thompson, Seth. Bits and Bytes Colmuns: Zoe Beloff Dialogue: the Art, Architecture and Design Journal of the Heartland (January/February 2004).
  • ...Lin Hsin Hsin. In Bytes We Travel, ISBN: 978-981-02-3359-4, Vol.1. 1 th ed.Singapore, USA: World...
  • ...Event: Bytes & Bodies – Ars Electronica at donumentaInstitution: Städtische Galerie im Leeren BeutelComment:
  • ... bodies of investigative works, primary titled overall as SoundScapes and ArtAbilitation, sits between researching cross-informing art...
  • ...Works by Manifest.AR were shown in the exhibit “Invisible ARtaffects“ as part of FACT's 10th anniversary exhibit "Turning FACT Inside Out"
    ...Julian Stadon, Erik Overmiere, Daniel Artamendi and V2_ TeleAgriCulture_RHIZOMATIC BIAS Installation Workshop
  • ... of diverse quotations and references from the history of art, science, theater, literature, cinema and architecture. Specific...