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  • ... thinking, can be reduced to rules and restrictions and may become distorted to be used as "proof" for various dogmas. Black and White is about dissolving the text and pointing to an untouchable experience. Black & White reads these sacred texts using...
  • Her Long Black Hair -
    ...Janet Cardiff's Her Long Black Hair is a 35-minute journey that begins at Central Park South and transforms an everyday stroll in the park into an absorbing psychological and physical experience. Cardiff takes each listener on a winding journey through Central...
  • ...Event: Fragments for Georges Méliès, Black Box / Chambre NoirInstitution: Moderna MuseetComment:
  • ...Event: White, Yellow, Blue and Black, a coincidence and one objectInstitution: galerija galženicaComment:
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
  • The Rocktown Scrolls are named after the Pennsylvania coalfield “patch” where I grew up dreaming wondrous dreams while sliding down the ash-dumps. They present colorful pen & ink drawings accompanied with passages selected from a wide range of
  • ... und Geographie von Orten bezieht und in vielen seiner Werken die Historie Afrikas und Südafrikas erforscht, verweist mit Black Box / Chambre Noire gleichzeitig auf seine tiefe Verbundenheit zur deutschen Kunst und Kultur, seinen Bezug zu deutschen...
  • framework f5x5x5 -
    ... sculpture. On one side the frames are lacquered white, diffusing the light, while the other side is lacquered black, absorbing light. The motorized frames allow a black side to be turned on the white side and the other way round. The achieved...
  • ... In the first Shusaku gave a Buto performance on the edge of a raised circular steel construction within which the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera pointed at this situation was connected to a computer in the second room....