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  • PerformanceInsideOut was a 3hour non-stop physical and virtual performance event with 9 live and beyond performances. Remix, new media, nodes, antiestablishment, micro, underground, multi, rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this event. The
  • [article]
    Dove, Toni. [article] Inside Arts 4, no. 4 (Decembre 1992).
  • [ in time time ] -
    [in-time-time] ? Date made: 2008 Materials: interactive new media installation, responsive screen-based work, video and digital prints. Other information: Solo exhibition held at the Tarble Arts Center / Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, USA
  • [epidemiC] is a network of people working in sectors as diverse as art, computer science, anthropology, communication, history, and economy. [epidemiC] explores the phenomena arising from the intrusion of computer science's cultural behaviors into
  • Grau, Oliver. Zur Kunstgeschichte der Virtuellen Realität: Eine Forschungsnotiz Kunstchronik: Monatszeitschrift für Kunstwissenschaft, Museumswesen und Denkmalpflege , no. 7 (1998): 354-355.
  • Twenty years ago, Mary Louise Pratt proposed the notion of a “contact zone” as a place where culture is negotiated and challenged. Art can bridge or destabilize disciplines and methods in ways that reframe histories and bring new insights. Still, on
  • Beloff is a filmmaker who doesn´t just make films. Taken as a whole, Beloff´s recent work constitutes a sort of social archeology of cinema. She is particularly interested in excavating the social roots of cinema in the 19th century and reminding us
  • The YOUbiläums Browser ( The history of the ZKM between 1997 and 2007 becomes a space pervading interface: by means of the Linear Navigator designed by Jeffrey Shaw in 1999, the visitors are able to call up video documentation on
  • Zhan Wang is widely recognized as one of China's leading contemporary artists today. Working in installation, photography and video, his sculpturally informed practice challenges ideas of landscape and environment, addressing the urban, rural,