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  • ...egrady has exhibited across the world and is widely...
  • Eduardo Kac, pioneer of multiple art genres like Telematic Art, Transgenic Art and Bio Art, guides us through 40 years of radical changes in the body-technology relationship, offering different approaches on how to reflect the boundaries of human
  • ... new understanding of what life in the21st century... to produce new types ofrelationships, to... belief that in a world in which we destroy at...
  • ... members around the world have explored the...
  • ... Interface: What you get is what you did... clusters.30 It is a type of artificial neural... of the language game.But also, Flusser's... the virtual and real world. Art historianOliver...
  • ... you own past works, whatcharacteristics are left... interest in this type of synesthetic media... do not exist in the world but are produced...
  • ... stone.By creating what Diana called... level and in every type of interactivitywhen it... from all over the world, but also...
  • ... lets us reflect on what ChristaSommerer and... such as a torch or a typewriter.“ By connecting... a multi-hued digital world of plants righton the...
  • ... market.Moreover, what is remarkable about it... thing and it’s agame changer and paradigm shift... artist and for the world at large.Also, in the...
  • ... to digital art and what fascinated you about it... are tech-savy. Yes, games, social media,... texts (forthcoming World Scientific). I have...