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  • ...Event: Brain FactoryInstitution: Microwave Festival 2018Comment:
  • ...With Brain Factory Prototype, Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein have produced a very specific installation — a mechanism designed to transform...
  • ...Event: Brain Factory PrototypeInstitution: Centre Culturel François VillonComment:
  • ...Brain Factory is an installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain-Computer Interaction (BCI), and...
  • ...Event: Brain Factory Prototype 2Institution: Art Center NabiComment:
  • ...Event: Brain Factory Prototype DeltaInstitution: Art Center NabiComment:
  • ...Event: Brain Factory, Abstract ShotsInstitution: MicroWave FestivalComment:
  • ...Event: Brain Factory, Festival des Bains NumériquesInstitution: Centre des Arts, Enghien les BainsComment:
  • ...Brain Factory is an art installation that allows the audience to give a shape to human abstractions through Brain Computer Interaction (BCI),...
  • Collector -
    ... a particular site - be it a street, a waste lot, a museum, a factory, or a submarine. The street-organ consists of two parts -...