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  • ... to social justice. Somehow the law... As an artist I like to work with legal... Not for nothing, the U.K. has the...
  • ... agencies, social justice activists,... finding ?"more like this, please" in...
  • Performance by JODI. Short presentations and panel discussion with Annet Dekker, Gabriella Giannachi, and Vivian van Saaze - See more at:
  • World Without End -
    World Without End Virtual Reality, Commission, Manarat al Saadiyat 2017-18 Overview For Manarat al Saadiyat cultural center program, "Ramadan Arcade", artworks were commissioned that addressed Emirates culture during the holiday season. For this
  • Ramadan Arcade -
    Was part of inaugural programme highlighting traditional culture in an art contect. Planed for 2 weeks; extended for 3 months.
  • Short excerpt from the 2003 appropriation piece "Last Words," created by pioneering Chinese video artist Zhang Peili and showcased here by Saamlung, one of his collaborating spaces.
  • Scenography for Virtual TV Sudio at Media Lab HBK Saar
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss. The Body as Interface and Representation In Tight Rope, Saar: 1995.
  • Kisseleva, Olga. INTER-ESSAI: Oeuvre en dialogue. Saarbrücken: Editions Universitaires Europeenes, 2010.