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  • ... co-founding member of the live coding duo called RAW ( Since 2015, he has been teaching creative coding, interactive arts, and sound design classes at Özyeğin University in Istanbul. Tuğan aims to create hybrid forms of visual and...
  • ... genres: robotic and telerobotic performance productions, films, drawings, texts, artist’s books, photography, and online interactive works. Her work renders aspects of how humans relate to machines and how the arc of technological advances emerge, become...
  • ... might move very fast whereas others might be slower. Creatures also look for food and aim to eat text characters that can be interactively released by the visitors: creatures always eat the same characters as contained in their genetic code. For example...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ...HAZE Express is an interactive computer installation that develops the metaphor of traveling and watching landscapes passing by through the window of vehicles such as trains, cars and air planes. When looking at a landscape at high speed, one does not really know very...
  • VERBARIUM - video
    ...VERBARIUM is an interactive text-to-form editor on the Internet. At the VERBARIUM’s web site, on-line user can choose to write text messages and each of these messages functions as a genetic code to create a visual three-dimensional form. A special text-to-form editor...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ...PICO_SCAN is an interactive installation that allows users to measure and capture their users various body data and links them to the creation and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface device and 5 plasma...
  • OSMOSE - video
    ...An immersive interactive virtual-realty environment installation with 3D computer graphics and interactive 3D sound, a head-mounted display and real-time motion tracking based on breathing and balance. Osmose is a space for exploring the perceptual interplay between...
  • ... Virtual Balance.The result was such an intense sensory experience that the visitors were fully immersed in their emergent interactive behavior, even without the use of VR glasses. Navigation with this body-centric interface is like looking with your feet....
  • ...In this installation, an interactive format similar to FOURSPACE (1991) has been developed in a different aesthetic direction. The game as a primary modality of interactivity is chosen as the functional context for a strategy of communication (person/machine/person),...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ...ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic virtual reality...