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  • ... over the last 200 years worldwide. These images - all originally created for An Imaginary Museum of Revolutions (1988) - are digitally processed collages made from documentary photographic sources.
  • ... platform. Almost all the many analog components of the original work have been more efficiently (and reliably) implemented digitally, especially the joystick technology and the audio recordings. On the other hand, the much better performance and resolution...
  • ... Gate uses the original video material of this work, but presents it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means of digital post-processing this video material has been anamorphically deformed, and is projected onto a screen in the center of which...
  • ..."Global Interior Project" is an experimental art work using digital networking technology for realizing Networked Multi-User Virtual Environment which enables to share one virtual space with several people from different terminals. People can explore this virtual space...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ..."Nuzzle" is a shared 3D virtual environment art work, using digital networking technology. It realizes a new type of communication space where people can meet and talk to each other as avatars from several telematic immersive computer terminals. Two terminals are...
  • ... phantasms and simulacra grown from mindless instructions, executed rigorously and exactly, without purpose or question, by a digital computing machine. Users interact with the work using a touch screen. By pressing on words and symbols different sections...
  • Traces -
    ... stark contrast to the rhetoric around VR, which argues that the experience allows the user to interact in a bodily way with digital worlds. As I first argued in my essay "Virtual Reality as the end of the Enlightenment project" (in "Culture on the Brink",...
  • ... Mom is still pensive, Dad still watches TV, and the daugther is curious. Displacements 2005 was shot and projected in digital video rather than 16mm film, which, it turns out, was much more challenging.
  • ... The MMB in the CAVE focuses on the specific argument of "The shift from the printed+book ... to the electronic text+digital skin". The avatar Nem is composed using basic geometric forms, circle, triangle, sphere. These shapes shift to create a column...
  • ...Pinocchio Interactive is a dynamic installation which integrates: robotic, animation, digital fantasy and interactivity. It is a ludicrous experience which is filled with surprises, tricks and wizards of the life of pinocchio in the version 2000. More than an...