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  • ... on the inflatable floor. The yellow-domed roof could also be removed to create an 'open-air' theatre.
  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    ... complete silencing of the whole group. When the interloping is removed, slowly a new rhythm will build up. The build-up of a new...
  • [the clearing] -
    ... a mode of communication which positions us as distanced, removed spectators unable to distinguish between the cinematic and the...
  • ... the power of the medium. Here one element of the medium is removed and distilled from its "content" to point to the mediums...
  • Watchers
    ... of any medium. Here one element of the power of the medium is removed and distilled from it's "content" to point to the mediums...
  • ... has been "zombified": all the original electronics have been removed, transforming them into mindless "electronic brains". The...
  • ... in width is suspended above them. The lids of both pianos are removed and their interiors and keyboards clearly illuminated. The...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... people to experience the phenomenon with their own eyes. I removed the camera, and then designed a computer program that controls...
  • Auditorium
    ... had a yellow, air-supported, dome-shaped roof that could be removed to create an open-air theatre. Its emergency exits were simply...
  • musicBottles -
    ... is placed onto the stage area of the table and the cork is removed, the corresponding instrument becomes audible. A pattern of...