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    MINDSCAPE is a metaphor of what we are becoming in this digital era. Like most people nowadays, the performer appears isolated and hooked up with a computer, his/her body connected to and surrounded by light wires, creating a distance between the
  • SKIN - video
    SKIN is an interactive installation, in which visitors have the opportunity to use a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) interface, which measures their skin's moisture. The variations of these values are an indication of psychological or physiological
  • Seed/Tree - video
    SEED /TREE (2005) Installation/Butoh Performance/Live Electronics This project was created during an “artist in residence” program at the ZKM (Centre for Media Art in Karlsruhe, Germany). Feelings, associations, mental images and spontaneous
  • SKIN - Performance -
    ... of skin change. The visual... of skin change. The visual...
  • Reel - video
    ...ReelArtist: Claudia Robles-AngelComment: ReelArtist: Claudia Robles-AngelComment:
  • Là bas... -
    ... Claudia Robles-Angel provides an... Claudia Robles-Angel provides an...
  • INsideOUT -
    This performance is about the materialization of the performer’s thoughts and feelings on the stage. In the performance, imagination becomes spatial. The stage is a place for the appearance of the invisible. Yasu Ohashi says: “the actors aim at our
    1998 05:30 min, color, stereo sound. The Muisca legend tells us that Bachué (Mother of humanity) came from the water, from a lagoon called Iguaque and after giving birth to humanity, she returned there. ... The reverie produced by water and the
  • ... Garten" : angeret durch die... Garten" : angeret durch die...
  • Bewegung in Silber -
    Commissioned by Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau for the Bauhaus Farbfest: Silber 2. Prize at the competition ''Hören und Sehen'' organized by the ZKM (Center for Art and Media) in Karlsruhe and the Institute fuer Neue Musik in Darmstadt. Inspired by the