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...RADIANCE. She Who Sees The Unknown: Kabous, The Right Witness, and The Left Witness...
...She Who Sees The Unknown: Kabous, The Right Witness, and The Left WitnessArtist: Morehshin...
... exploring the potentials of an unknown space towards the potential of a renewed...
Eine Skulptur schwebt in einer digitalen Umgebung im Raum und verändert dabei ständig ihre Größe oder Oberflächenbeschaffenheit. Solch ein Bildwerk kann in der realen Welt mit ihren physikalischen Gegebenheiten nicht existieren. Diese Möglichkeiten
...The unknown X becomes a whole symphony of shapes... In a universe where everything is by itself yet can...
... oneself inside fantastic room formations, unknown sensations of space, not conceivable in...
... processes cause. Her own "confronting the unknown" in the form of creative openness to the...
... animation are identical; the circle is complete and the story comes to an end." Anna...