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  • In Conversation -
    ... on the street from dusk to dawn, however the...
  • Net_Condition -
    Peter Weibel (Curator), Walter van der Cruijsen (Curator), Golo Föllmer (Curator), Johannes Goebel (Curator), Hans-Peter Schwarz (Curator), Benjamin Weil (Curator), Jeffrey Shaw (Curator)
  • Penny, Simon. The Colonisation of Cyberspace In Media Art Perspectives, edited by Hans-Peter Schwarz and Jeffrey ShawKarlsruhe, Ostfildern-Ruit: ZKM and Hatje Cantz, 1996.
  • The idea of a marriage between Sun and Moon appears repeatedly in the myth and old philosophy of various nations all over the world. It symbolizes the state where human becomes high level being by achieving the integration of consciousness and
  • Event: Quarxs, dessins et vidéosInstitution: Médiathèque Georges SandComment:
  • Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss and Christian Bohn. Liquid Views In Medien Kunst Geschichte, edited by Hans Peter Schwarz, 108f.. München, DE: Prestel Verlag, 1997.
  • Schwarz, Hans Peter, ed. Agnes Hegedüs, Interactive works. Karlsruhe: ZKM, 1995.
  • CRISPR-Cas9 is contrasted with Nude in box-reclining (1962) and Sand Dune Nude (1967) by Ruth Bernhard and Dix Rayogrammes de Man Ray et un Texte de Pierre Bost by Man Ray (1931).
  • YouTube: time -
    Time in Internet era is a flux of data, instead hands of a clock or sand in a hourglass, beat time is given by the number of informations that we receive and broadcast. Here’s how the characteristic red bar of YouTube becomes a piece of a “digital
  • Out of the dump -
    communiqué Centre des Arts Pour ce dernier volet de la saison, le centre des arts invite l’esprit prolifique de Maurice Benayoun à investir ses espaces ainsi que ceux de la Médiathèque George Sand d’Enghien-les-Bains autour de deux propositions