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  • Equivalents II -
    The "Equivalents II" project has evolved out of an intent to mathematically simulate believable still-images that convey the realism of the photographic. It is based on an interactive computer program that produces abstract, cloud-like images when
  • Poetrica -
    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertisement system as public space. It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in
  • Alembic
    "Linking art, science, spirituality and technology, this interactive installation is the product of the artist's exploration of virtual reality as a sculptural medium, and is centered upon a floor based projection of computer generated 3D
  • Multiplicity N°19 -
    These manually created photomontages were created as the basis for an op-art style silkscreen series and its further development as a kinetic object. A black square. Lines without a vanishing point, 119 in number. Phases of a self-portrait. Light
  • Could this be the future of cinema? ''The Paradise Institute,'' by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, is an almost scarily captivating 13-minute multimedia experience. But the artists' mind-boggling interweaving of
  • Firebirds -
    Oracular flames kept captive within birdcages recite speeches of some political leaders of the twentieth century. Gas flames, suitably modulated by electrical fields can be made to act as omnidirectional loudspeakers of surprising clarity and
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    PICO_SCAN is an interactive installation that allows users to measure and capture their users various body data and links them to the creation and evolution of artificial life creatures. The PICO_SCAN system consists of 5 PICO_SCANNER interface
  • Portrait One -
    Marie, a French-speaking Montrealer in her thirties played by actress Paule Ducharme, appears to be lost in reverie. You may try to get her attention: when selecting "Excuse me..." on the display, Marie suddenly stares at you; then, selecting "Do
  • The interactive installation offers exchanges of body signals using a sensorized carpet to capture people displacements. The information are sent to a neural network which mangage the artificial system and gives life to the physic environment. A big
  • This work associates Virtual Reality with Multimedia through a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed for a multi-user interface platform that combines motion capture and virtual reality. Up to seven participants can interact with the application.