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  • Pneutube -
    A large transparent inflatable tube the public could enter and which, depending on the context of presentation, functioned as an expanded cinema and performance environment, playful interactive space and architectual corridor.
  • The Karlsruhe Moviemap was commissioned by the Zentrum fur Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), a state-funded arts and media lab in the town of Karlsruhe, Germany. Karlsruhe has a well-known tramway system, with over 100 km of track snaking from the
  • A Sense of Place -
    An out-of-focus "still-life" image of a window display is projected on a full screen gallery wall. As the audience moves in the gallery space, items from the inventory of objects in the image come into focus depending on the audience's relative
  • Ruth Schnell is an Austrian media artist, professor for media arts and curator. She has been working with computer-aided tools since the mid-1980s. Her artistic research focusses on examining the perception of images/sound/language in connection
  • This is the first significant survey of contemporary American art to explore critical issues related to women's health. Inside Out Loud consists of 51 artworks on loan from across the country by 30 artists in a range of media, including
  • "Body Movies" transforms public space with 400 to 1,800 square metres of interactive projections. Thousands of photo portraits taken on the streets of the cities where the project is exhibited are shown using robotically controlled projectors.
  • E-Sparks -
    The goal of this project is an audio-visual interactive installation to explore the creative content and suggestions that the artificial life (alife) environments have in their potentialities. The suggestion the Plancton Art Studio wants to
  • Rome & Juliet in Hades is based on the play by Shakespeare. There are two main characters, Romeo and Juliet, in the story and, therefore, this story supplies a good example of multi-person participation. People have a strong desire to act out the
  • Digital Cubes consists of four cubes with a display on the top side that show various light patterns depending on how they are arranged. The Digital Cubes react very dynamically. One cube alone is dark and seems to be passive. When two cubes are put
  • Rejane Spitz is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Art & Design at PUC-Rio University, Brazil. She was a Post-Doctoral researcher at CADRE-Laboratory for New Media /San Jose State University (California, USA) in 2003, and a