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  • Alvaro, Sandra and Guillermo Alonso R. and Federico López-Silvestre. “Reversing Ruins: Artistic Interventions for Recovering from Disaster Capitalism” In Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues, edited by A. Núñez-Delgado, 83 -
  • Brea, José Luis. El Tercer Umbral. Estatuto de las prácticas artísticas en la era del capitalismo cultural. Ad Hoc Ensayo, Murcia, Spain: CendeaC, 2004.
  • UHD is a html game junky parody project in 3 variations. UHD is a browser based interactive split-screen audiovisual remix and color-composition-game using web-works and animations by UHD is an overdosing project, a critical reflection
  • In the first year of the coronavirus pandemic it was thought that transmission was primarily through physical contact. We were hyperaware of the surfaces we touched and of the traces that may or may not be on those surfaces. Indeed, for those alone
  • "Two Origins" transforms the emblematic Place du Capitole by projecting the heretic "Book of Two Origins", a 13th century manuscript compiling the core theological beliefs of the dualist Cathars. Once a vibrant community in Toulouse, believers in
  • PLACE-Turkey (YER-Türkiye) takes participants on an embodied journey through a virtual landscape of panoramic photographic scenes and cinematic events. It utilizes the interaction paradigm first developed in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a
  • A simple kinetic machine. the pages flip over continually. The red text reads: "These cloud capped towers, these gorgeous palaces..." (From the Prospero's epilogue, The Tempest, Wiliam Shakespeare.)
  • This interactive installation addresses mass media and manipulation in postmodern culture. In this mediawork individualism and narcissism are revealed as inextricably linked to new electronic technologies and capitalist consumerism. The interface
  • For this project the authors created both an interactive application and a linear three-screen video re-enactment of the “Capping Ceremony of a Minor Official’s Son,” from the ancient Chinese Book of Li. The Book of Li (Etiquette and Ceremonial) is
  • Curnow, Wystan and Dorine Mignot, ed. Under Capricorn: Art in the Age of Globalisation. Amsterdam, Wellington: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1996.