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  • ..."The Living Room" is an intelligent, interactive image, sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter... sound and voice environment. It becomes "alive" and starts to "sense" when users enter and interact with this room. Like in...
  • ... He lectures in fine art at the Dublin School of Creative Arts.
  • ...Hiroshi Ishii is the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media Arts and Sciences, at the MIT Media Lab. He joined the MIT Media Lab in October 1995,...
  • .. "So instead of writing about meaning production, I empower the exploration of meta-meaning processes that arise via self-directed engagement" ..
  • ... in venues such as the London Institute of Contemporary Arts, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and the New York Museum of...
  • ... collaborative interdisciplinary work for disklavier piano and interactive video created by pianist Eve Egoyan and artist David Rokeby.... the live processing of a pre-recorded video. Yet another charts the harmonic relationships between the notes that Eve is playing. ...
  • March -
    ... out in the era of Nintendo and Netscape. March is an interactive installation work. The interface is a steel and aluminum...
  • Hole-in-Space -
    ... public walking past the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York City, and "The Broadway" department store located in...
  • ... new collaborative relationships between computing and the arts. His artworks have been exhibited at a wide variety of galleries,...
  • Fitness Art Centre -
    ... et critique à l'abbaye (pdf)/french/ Connaisance des arts Paris, France, January 2008 Olga Kisseleva, la reine des méqias...