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  • Bredekamp, Horst. Der Mensch als "zweiter Gott". Motive der Wiederkehr eines kunsttheoretischen Topos im Zeitalter der Bildsimulation In Interface I: Elektronische Medien und Künstlerische Kreativität, edited by Klaus Peter Dencker, Hamburg. :
    RECORD>AGAIN! 19.09.09–15.11.09 The exhibition of the ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (Centre for Art and Media Technology) continues its project of the technical and scientific processing of video art initiated by the ZKM in
  • video, 4.22' The video Hyperoptics examines the technologically extended forms of visual perception that are enabled through the application of advanced optical research tools used in microscopy. The first part of the video presents a series of
  • Mit der Präsentation neuer Arbeiten – Zeichnungen, Drucke, Stereoskopien und einer 8-minütigen filmischen Anamorphose – schließt William Kentridge sein Engagement als erster Inhaber der Max-Beckmann-Stiftungsprofessur in Frankfurt ab. Kentridges
  • In Solid Landscapes verbildlicht die Künstlerin das unablässige Wachstum von nutzbaren und produktiven (Anti-)Landschaften, indem sie Zeugnisse für den dramatischen Wandel reproduziert und vervielfältigt, der weltweit in zunehmendem Maße vonstatten
  • Trends are all the trend. Alongside fashion and health it is analyses of economic trends and flows of finance and commodities which are shaping our environment. To what extent do they influence and change us as individuals and as a society? By
  • Jay, Martin. Downcast Eyes: The Denigration of Vision in Twentieth-Century French Thought. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1994.
  • STANDARDS AND DOUBLE STANDARDS is an interactive installation that consists of fifty fastened belts that are suspended at waist height from servo motors on the ceiling of the exhibition room. Controlled by a computerized tracking system, the belts
  • MACHADO VELHO, Ana Paula and Tiago LUCENA and Lucas FLORES and DIANA DOMINGUES. Dengue as an environment problem: a Brazilian media research 8 th International Congress of Environmental Research (2016).
  • VELHO, A. P. M and Tiago LUCENA and V. D DORNE and Diana DOMINGUES. The Drama of Dengue Fever: civic-oriented journalists, community and artists fighting against dengue Conference Internacional Balance-UnBalance 1 (2016): 23-32.