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  • Nuclear Family -
    ... visitors are invited to consider that there are no...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ... onto a ball and, as a consequence, the wall behind it,...
  • ...The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns...
  • PainStation -
    ... use their right hands to control a bat on screen, and must...
  • 05 March/10:43 pm -
    ...05 March/10:43 pm consists of a small, suburban model house on a...
  • ... atmosphere face to the constant changes in the domestic...
  • bug[lab]02 -
    ... illustrate the potential consequences of some functional...
  • dog[lab]01 -
    ... their possible consequences. This is an ironic and...
  • The Magic Flute -
    ... studies, the tonal contrast and inversion of...
  • Twin Depths -
    ... The installation consists seven screens with loop...