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  • eMoving Stills -
    La Mécanique des émotionsest un grand récit en œuvres: performances, sculptures, installations, machines... eMoving Stills sont comme un film sous-titré dont les photogrammes ponctueraient les étapes, semant les indices d'interprétation d'une
  • Sculptures -
    For us humans, who are limited in time and space, time is a one-dimensional affair. We can move only along one axis we define in co-ordinates of "past-present-future". (In this definition, "present" is the origin of our co-ordinate system, "past"
  • Sym-Ulations -
    Sym-Ulations allows participants to explore the asymmetry of their own faces.It also allows them to use their own face to create humorous impossible faces. User Interaction: The user holds a "Setup" button and sees a mirror image of his face
  • Landscape -
    This 3-D computer animation originally was designed to an opera-piece. The main question of the opera was how we perceive time. The animation is about a small German village in a rainy day, and visualizes the miraculous moment when all of a sudden
  • We are at the edge between human need and human greed. No need to be inside the Matrix to see that the world is covered with data quantifying all human activities into convertible and interpretable figures. As the new part of the Mechanics of
  • Event: Frozen FeelingsInstitution: Galerie Magda DanyszComment:
  • A seed of transgenic corn represents an explosive capsule that on the one hand has the capacity to divide communities and Nations, and on the other hand the ensuing debates have caused movements of conservation and care of ecosystems, the
  • Source of Energy -
    Kombucha SCOBY (a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) is an incredible creature. There are many different myths and legends about this. Even one concerns its extraterrestrial origin. Kombucha is also unique in that it cannot be accurately
  • William Kentridge -
    Die bereits vor zwei Jahren konzipierte Ausstellung von William Kentridge hätte im Vorjahr in der Neuen Galerie Graz gezeigt werden sollen, was jedoch aufgrund des verzögerten Umbaus der Neuen Galerie nicht möglich war. William Kentridge war
  • Eliza Redux, Edited by Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Pat Harrigan. and . SECOND PERSON. : M.I.T. Press, 2006.