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  • Dreamgenerator -
    ... 4 can be described as a "social...
  • RobotPHONE -
    RobotPHONE is a Robotic User Interface (RUI) that uses robots as physical avatars for interpersonal communication. Using RobotPHONE, users in remote locations can communicate shapes and motion with each other. For a long time, robots have
  • ... could be described as a form of...
    ECHOHCE is a project for a singer and a machine generating text. The singer speaks the title of a song to be generated into a microphone. A speech recognition software translates the words into text and sends it to the Poetry Machine. The software
  • The Pygmy GamelanArtist: Paul DeMarinisComment:
  • ... Her work includes hymns composed with...
  • 11. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Pathway, 1993 22" by 30" Pen plotted drawing. 12. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Burning Bush, 2000 23" by 29" Pen plotted drawing. 13. Diamond Lake Apocalypse, Canon I, 1999 23" by 29" Pen plotted drawing.
  • 32. Canticle to the Sun IV, 1996 20" by 15"" Pen plotted drawing. In 1966 the artist painted a large eight-foot by four-foot wooden panel as a "Canticle to the Sun". That work, celebrating the sun, incorporated text from the sun canticle
  • TXTmob -
    ... friends, comrades, and total strangers....
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to