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  • Lilliput 4.0, was designed for the Décima Bienal de La Habana, Integración y Resistencia, Fuerte de La Cabaña, Havana, Cuba, 2009.
  • Rosa, Renato and Decio Presser. Dicionario de Artes Plasticas no Rio Grande do Sul. : Ed. Ufrgs, 1997.
  • Images of our brain, captured with the means of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), assist neuro-scientists to decipher the mechanisms of our thoughts. With a field intensity of three Tesla, state-of-the-art brain scanners offer a superior
  • Message from A. -
    In this personal work, a message received on my answering machine is visualised to be understandable. Due to technical issues (the sender called from an iPod without a microphone input) the message was transferred into keypad signals (2=ABD,
  • Othello in an urban space:A trial of doing "Othello ®" game in human scale. Each partisipant plays a role of a piece of the game. Unlike we do the game on board and play by two players, there is no center of decision. All the strategy of the game is
  • Aurora di Venere -
    "Aurora di Venere" is a performance for theatre where a group of dancers interact with digital entities projected on two screens located at the background and at the front (semi-transparent) of the theatre's stand. The dancers play with the
  • Emergentes
    Ayer se ignauró en el Centro Fundación Telefónica, la muestra Emergentes que reúne a 10 artistas de latinoamérica dedicados al arte electrónico. El objetivo de este blog es complementar la muestra y mantenerlos informados de las actividades
  • The Savant Guard -
    The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself
  • SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain Two neon signs are superimposed one upon the other. One in green says "Resistance is Fertile", while another one in red says "Resis tance is Futile". When one sign is lit, the other statement is quiescent.
  • The Fox -
    A live performance and ‘game’ interface, which sought to provoke and subvert audience experiences and expectations of power, pleasure and control in the interactive environment. This performance was developed in collaboration with Nuno Lacerdo in