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  • Event: Group Exhibition of Propinquity in Come Out and Play San FranciscoInstitution: SOMartsComment:
  • Event: City Sonic – International Sound Art Festival - Louvain-La-Neuve (Belgium) / Curator : Philippe Franck, Jaques UrbanskaInstitution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • Data Murmur - video
    The notable Italian political philosopher Franco "Bifo" Berardi recites a random poem of HTML code twice. First on the left of the split screen the camera maintains its distance allowing the bard to enact the poem, his shock of silver hair melting
  • Marchtowar -
    Online gambling meets political protest. Launched in the February 2003, allowed users to place $5 bets on the time and date when the US invasion of Iraq would begin. The winner was paid in pre-paid gasoline cards, all proceeds went to
  • Research into the nontraditional materials of sculpture has accompanied my artistic career in the search for the relation between the work and the exhibition site understood as social sphere, architectural context or an urban space. A work of art
  • Berardi, Franco. Out of joint. Then what? In The Noologist’s Handbook and Other Art Experiments, edited by Warren Neidich, 281-287. Berlin: Archive Books, 2013.
  • "Seismoscope 2: Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali", 2009 Persian (1058-1111), author of "The Incoherence of Philosophers" 16.1" x 17.7" x 6.7" / 41 x 45 x 17 cm, XY Plotter 45.2" x 16.1" x 17.7" / 115 x 41 x 45 cm podium 11" x 17" / 28
  • "Autopoiesis", 2010 mirror, surveillance camera, laser projector, proximity sensor, computer running custom face-tracking algorithms 20" x 14" x 7.5" / 51 x 36 x 19 cm edition of 6, 1 AP When people look at themselves in this small mirror they see