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  • skyrail
    Have fun creating your own weird and wonderful machines: click & drag the centre of the component to change size & location. click the 'go' button to watch your machine's mechanics in action, leaving its own trail. click the 'build' button
  • ... and repeating like a sermon the same...
  • Artists: Morehshin Allahyari (IRN/US), Scott Benesiinaabandan (CA), Matias Brunacci (ARG/DE), Yu Hong (CHN), Francois Knoetze (ZA), Erin Ko (US) and Jamie Martinez (COL/US) Curators: Tina Sauerlaender (DE), Peggy Schoenegge (DE), and Erandy Vergara
  • “Art is the Signature of our Species.” "Michael Saup’s work focuses on the underlying forces of nature and society; an ongoing research project into what he calls the “Archaeology of Future”. His research focus in recent years has been on
  • Joachim Sauter is a media artist, designer and educator. He focussed on digital technologies and how they can be used to express content, form and narration. Saute is Professor of New Media and Design at the Universität der Künste Berlin, and in
  • Robo Topobo -
    ... replay and adjust playback of up to four... can direct them like robotic puppets in a...
  • Faces in the Sky -
    Look to the clouds trying to image faces is a carefree game that everyone does. In Faces in the Sky the artificial intelligence of a computer try to do the same action through an algorithm made for search human faces inside photos. I submitted to
  • All Changes Saved -
    Tots els canvis s’han desat (All Changes Saved) Aram Bartholl, Clara Boj + Diego Díaz, Martin John Callanan, Olia Lialina, Kyle McDonald, Román Torre + Ángeles Angulo, Carlo Zanni Curated by Pau Waelder Casal Solleric, Palma (Spain) September 21,
    The Exhibition ECOSMOSIS takes place at the Hellenic Cosmos Cultural Centre from the 30th of May to the 30th of June 2012. The concept of the exhibition is by the architect Lina Stergiou and its creation in collaboration with the digital artist
  • femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the spotlight on other cinematic aspects — camera technique, film composition and scenery. What makes the festival so special, though, is the film