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  • ... into a dialogue with me and my painting practice, through simple yet big questions. It was...
  • ... Her work is a research-based art practice that merges traditional art disciplines...
  • ... and bacterial cultures. His art/science practice serves as a platform for hacking complex...
    ... Domain is now the title of a series practice led experiments by stanza investigating...
  • ... artists to situate their thought and practice in an expansive array of visual, aural,...
  • ... how do you implement your theory inyour practice?The possibilities to capture and...
  • ... a formal description of their artistic practice rather than a term that describes...
  • Machines & Souls -
    ... x 0.2 metres. Spinors Central to the practice of kinetic art is the development of new...
  • ... itself is methodology for creative practice. Moreover, and related to new museology,...
  • ... the subjects of digital media history and practice, visual analytics, strategic foresight;...