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  • ... things simultaneously, shifting from one to the other. Currently I am in the final...
  • ... at the University of Waterloo. A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, he was...
  • ... digital technologies, the artistic overtones of science and engineering, and the...
  • Mark Napier realizes only works for the Internet. He has produced a wide range of Internet projects, including "The Shredder" (1998), an alternative browser that dematerializes the Web; "Digital Landfill" (1998), an endless archive of digital
  • ... philosopher Mario Costa to participate at one of theinfamous ARTMEDIA events in Salerno she...
  • ... in Frankfurt. This is how one day Christa and Laurent encountered each...
  • ... freedom better – butthrough limitations, one starts also to become more aware, critical and...
  • This video shows results from a research project involving simulated Darwinian evolutions of virtual block creatures. A population of several hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and each creature is tested for their ability to
  • Dr. Maria Roussou is an Associate Professor (tenured) in Interactive Systems (i.e. Human-Computer Interaction, Virtual Reality, Computer Games) at the Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
  • Microwave Media Art Festival 2003 - Hong Kong The "Microwave International Media Art Festival" is an international festival in HONG KONG, which aims to promote cultural exchange and appreciation of new media art. MIMFA - the annual video art