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  • ... in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving...
  • Media Bombs -
    ... and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The...
  • Decision Value -
    ... I observed the emblematic buildings of the stock exchange (Bourse), the parliament (Assemblée...
  • ...The Biennale of Electronic Arts, Perth (BEAP) is a new media arts festival held every 2 years for 3...
  • The essential component of wavy flow is the vortex. In isolation, a single vortex simply influences its surroundings to orbit around itself at a speed proportional to the inverse square of the distance to the vortex's axis. When a large number of
  • Residues - video
    ... pigments, water, oil reflexion, electronic screens which are present in the same...
  • egoscopio 2.0 -
    ... by SMS, MMS and the Web to a big electronic display. The content generated by...
  • ... in the Digital Age. Amsterdam: Art Stock, 1996.
  • EMF 10th anniversary -
    Electronic Music Foundation 10th year