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  • White Cube -
    ... genuine strawberry freshly picked, tasting land, assuming the biological cultured tag, is also of this order. The project is to... The spirit of contemporary art Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there is no reason to produce significant...
  • ... output consisted of projected images on the floor which depict biological forms and their reactive mutations and multichannel,... TGarden is a responsive media environment in which small groups of participants from the general public influenced and played with...
  • Molecular Invasion -
    ... public experimentation, we attempted to transform artificial biological traits of adaptability into ones of susceptibility, as well... done in cooperation with students from the Corcoran School of Art and Design and exhibited at the Corcoran Gallery, Washington, DC....
  • ... WORKSHOP AT THE WAAG SOCIETY AMSTERDAM Interactions between Biological and Digital computing, in the forms of Slime Mold and 3D... of exploring and experimenting on possible ways to design artificial systems, by combining digital strategies and living...
  • Energy conversion -
    ... chlorophyll makes the fluorescent red pigment visible. Biological evolution marked a crucial step with the emergence of one...
  • Biopsia - video
    ... to address two seemingly confronted forces: the irrational (the biological, the fluid, the bodily…) and the rational (the machine, the... of the incoming graduate students in the Design Media Arts department. Shown at the New Wight Gallery, UCLA, January of...
  • FIRMAMENT - video
    ... the intimate relationship with the physical phenomena. The symbiosis of the body and the virtual environment experiments give us... by the stars' behaviors which simulate a living organism. An artificial world crowded with dots of lights and sounds, generate...
  • ... equations and PHSColograms which depicted economic, biological and chemical weaponry contrasted with artistic images by... economic, biological and chemical weaponry contrasted with artistic images by Edward Curtis, Lee Miller and others. The piece was...
  • ... flows. Architektúra my_lienkov_ch prúdov. The architecture of biological flows. Architektúra biologick_ch tokov. The architecture of... Halenárska 2, Trnava | Synagogue – Centre of Contemporary Art, Halenárska 2, Trnava, Slovak Republic The show was curated by Viera...
  • Light, only light -
    ... which belongs to both the plant and animal kingdoms, bioluminescence is only found in a few animal species. According to... plants. Acting simultaneously as plants and non plants, these artificial organisms transgress the laws of nature. In traditional...