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  • ... a culture shaped and informed by visibility and transparency. Realised as a filmic sequence, it also points to its material and technical substrate, video, a Latin term which literally means “I see”. And while seeing is a cultural technique that offers myriad...
  • Abandoned
    ...Abandoned artist's studio featuring a technical apparatus in a process of transition in which analog turns into digital. Reflection on mise-en-scène of media, performance, installation and exhibition: recorded and constructed, present and absent, visible and invisible....
  • ... Chicago, and Co-director of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Among his main technical achievements are the Sandin Analog Image Processor (IP) in 1973 and along with Carolina Cruz-Neira, and Tom DeFanti he...
  • ... the Arts Berlin (UdK Berlin), graduating in 2003 with an MA in Industrial Design. Other studies include art history at the Technical University Berlin, painting restoration at at the department for historic preservation in North Rhine-Westphalia and...
  • ... for the construction of reality and work on the notion of ""expanded cinema,"" which deconstructed the ideological and technical conditions of cinematic representation. He take early part on Vienna Group and the Vienna activism and co-founded Hotel...
  • Elke Reinhuber's work focuses on decision making processes and counterfactual thoughts in media arts. As a decidophobic in her own life, she explores alternative layers of the here and now with immersive environments and expanded photography.
  • ...Barfield, Woodrow and Claudia Hendrix and Kurt Kaczmarek and Lotens, Wouter. Comparison of Human Sensory Capabilities with Technical Specifications of Virtual Environment Equipment Presence 4, no. 4 (1995): 329-356.
  • HyperKult 14 -
    ... symposium since 1990. Hyper(media)Kult(ur) was an at this time an upcoming field of research across the borderline of technical and cultural disciplines. HyperKult has broadened over the years to examine more general questions of the relationship...
  • ... Paulo , SVR 2004 will be composed of: pre-symposium, aimed to students and beginners, invited talks, tutorials, minicourses, technical sessions, panel sections, poster sections, demonstrations, a Virtual Worlds Festival, Workshop of theses and a workshop for...
  • ... video festival. Video is a young artform; from the beginning, it has been a reaction to the “brave new world” of the highly technical mass societies with all their computers, nuclear power stations, destroyed landscapes and lonely individuals. Thus, video is...