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  • Divers Faits -
    ... of visual allegories developed by the painters of the Renaissance of the North, where every still life hides, the " second line " of subject told through any sorts of foodstuffs. Each piece the series Divers Faites is also a story, which is read...
  • ... Inside / A Barren Vase / I’m Decayed And Greenish / Due To The Action Of / Sulfuric Hydrogen / Layers And Granulations / Dissected Walls / I Can Produce / Certain Forces/ And Be Placed Slantwise On/ The Surfaces Of / Stable-Definite Shapes / I-Lost Tooth /...
  • ... manager at the website VIDA Art and Artificial Life from Fundación Telefónica. He is currently the editor of the Media Art section at magazine, editor and writer at the blogs Art Matters and Design Matters from the UOC. He also regularly writes texts...
  • ...Event: Inter Sections: Science in Contemporary ArtInstitution: Weizmann Institute of ScienceComment:
  • In this essay, media researcher and developer Tiago Martins provides insight into the development process of the mixed-reality archive AR[t]chive during a large research project. The HoloLens based application enables users to explore archived
  • ... and labs together to create a digital culture of innovation in Bremen: Transfer of research results into the corporate sector. At peak times, the MARS Lab consisted of more than 25 employees of different disciplines, nationalities and genders. Since...
  • ... First, the profiles sublimate the owners' (real) social actions and references through their v irtual presences. Second, they synthesize their effectiveness in representing real people through a specific element: the profile picture. This...
  • Global Direct -
    ... mimes actual systems that illustrate legislative, judicial and executive decision-making flows, as well as other specific sectors of governance. The diagrams also visually recall algorithm design and network architectures, suggesting governance as a...
  • ... videoproyección como una unidad sobre siete bastidores de tela que ejercen de pantalla. La reproducción de cada una de estas secuencias depende de la descarga de sus fotogramas, y por lo tanto de la velocidad de transferencia del hosting donde está alojado,...