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  • Human Browser -
    ... Constitution Vote (May 29,2005) Some time of available human brain, IIIème Nuit Blanche de Paris (Oct. 2, 2004) The video of the... based on a Google Hack, where the usual technological interface is replaced with the oldest interface we know: the human...
  • Dreamlogs -
    ... that have interlaced over time. Dreamlogs are a new interface to the Global Text: a non-utilitarian and non-local...
  • ... from Cubey 1.0’s speakers. Cubey 1.0’s simple and easy-to-use interface offers users an exciting opportunity to explore interactive...
  • ... with visual rhythms. The installation provides a user-friendly interface that enables visitors to compose an abstract musical...
  • Level Head -
    ... levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears each face of the cube contains a...
  • gameboy_ultraf_uk -
    ... over time. Game entities mutate into background and interface elements, or appear as fragments of the games binary code....
  • After Microsoft -
    ... the second main color in the branding scheme and in the User Interface. Running late in the product development cycle. Looking for...
  • La Machine à idées -
    ... à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice...
  • La Membrane -
    ... la présence du visiteur. La Membrane est le premier exemple d'interface organique pour une scénographie interactive"
  • ... keyboard of a disklavier (an acoustic piano with a computer interface) is transformed and interpreted by a computer into live...