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  • Schulze, Holger. Das aleatorische Spiel. Erkundung und Anwendung der nichtintentionalen Werkgenese im 20. Jahrhundert. München, DE: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2000.
  • Simon Penny is an Australian practitioner in the fields of Digital Cultural Practices, Embodied Interaction and Interactive Art. His practice has included artistic practice, technical research, theoretical writing, pedagogy and institution building.
  • Biografie Leo Peschta 18th june 1978, in Wien geboren lebt und arbeitet in Wien 2008 Robots' Choice Award, Art-Bots Dublin since 2008 working for RCSI, (Research Center for Shared Incompetence) 2003-2004 Heinrich-Klotz
  • Sondereggerer, Ruth. Für eine Ästhetik des Spiels. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 2000.
  • Schmundt, Hilmar. Das Kunst-Gen Der Spiegel 26 (June 26th 2000): 114.
  • Strauss, W./ Fleischmann, M./ Novak, Jasminko. CAT - Communication, Art and Technology In Global@home, edited by Herbert KubicekHeidelberg, DE: Hüthig Verlag, 2000.
  • Tomasula, Steve. Kacs Zeitkapsel: Selbsteinkapselung Kunstforum 151 (July-September 2000): 125-129.
  • PLANCTON was founded in the 1994 by a group of three artists (Annunziato, Pierucci and Gemma de Julio) and started the activities with a series of artworks and experiments on expressive languages based on the fusion of different media (video, music,
  • Heir of cybernetic art, artist and programmer, Antoine Schmitt uses programming as a material to produce installations, CD-ROMs, online exhibitions, and performances in which he confronts the public or performers with autonomous abstract dynamic
  • Fisher, Scott S.. From Envisioning to Embodying the Virtual In Tangibles Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms, edited by Hiroshi Ishii and Tangible Media GroupTokyo, Japan: NTT Publishing Co., 2000.