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  • ... in the field of digital art and Free/Libre Open Source Software. She...
  • Eternal Summer -
    ... superimposed on the images at random moments. These texts come from...
  • ... uses generative algorithms and random processes to create a stream of...
  • Tunnel -
    ... to the walls. It is dark and free of images. The architecture of...
  • ... algorithm also incorporates a random function that causes the figures...
  • Non-weddings -
    ... on a secondary level on the reading of this set by Jacques Lacan,...
  • The Art Collider -
    ... systems fosters the free circulation and the...
  • ... vertically suspended from thin, free-floating wires and weight down by...
  • ... signal which transforms a reading of Richard Feynman’s (1982)...
  • IDfone -
    ... of the screens at regular but random intervals. When an area is...