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  • YOU FADE TO LIGHT Commissioned by Philips Royal Electronics / Milan 2009 ‘You Fade To Light’ is is an interactive media installation that provokes a kinesthetic dialogue between the viewer and their very own mirror image. The work encourages
    PIXELSHADE (I & II) The ‘PixelShades’ are part of a series of projects that were developed for the occasion of showing with Ingo Maurer in Milan & New York in 2006 and 2007. They are designed to print out any digital information (images,
  • Variations -
    Variations ( Elliott Carter ) photographic, self-animated work for the browser, 2008. Variations ( Elliott Carter ) was commissioned by Ars Electronica Festival to accompany a performance by the Bruckner Orchestra of Elliott Carter's
  • Electronic technology and surveillance have added a digital dimension to Foucauldian panopticism and expanded the ways in which nations can continually monitor and control visitors’ entry through their borders. This instantaneous access to massive
  • which---side -
    Which --- Side Song sculpture for OffCentre, Newcastle City Council projects in the public realm 2006-2007. 'Which Side' is a version of the union protest song 'Which Side Are You On?'. The song is available for download as an mp3 file from
  • This project explores the value of immaterial production in a virtual world, and if and how this can be transferred into an economy of material production. We have collected a series of immaterial objects produced and owned by inhabitants in the
  • The Behaviour of Objects is rAndom’s first gallery exhibition in London with Carpenters Workshop Gallery in Mayfair. Exhibiting both ‘Swarm Light’ and ‘Self Portrait‘, the show lays the ground for a significant expansion of the studios’ performative
  • An interactive 4 channel video installation for actors and the audience describes the life of the Missionar Jakob Friedrich Ziegler, who moved in the mid-19th Century from Dagersheim near Stuttgart to Dharwar in Karnataka, India. Chris Ziegler:
  • by Mandeep Raikhy / gati dance Delhi, India Based on the notion of lived experience of architecture in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an ensemble piece that aims to define, architecturally and imaginarily, the idea
  • one minute
    one minute Theater Production at Theater Baden-Baden, Germany author: Simon Stephens ONE MINUTE is a snapshot of five lives in an anonymous city. The disappearance of a little girl becomes the starting point for linking the lives of three