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  • Eduardo Kac -
    curator: Angel Kalenberg Reconocido internacionalmente por sus instalaciones interactivas y por sus trabajos de bio arte, Eduardo Kac explora la fluidez de la posición del sujeto en el mundo postdigital, cuestionando la evolución, la memoria y hasta
  • Lila Chitayat is an architect, new media artist and an experimental practitioner of design. She is a research based educator of multidisciplinary design processes and experience design.In 2002 Lila founded LinC studio, a transdisciplinary design
  • Pearlman,Ellen. Review of Contemporary Art in Asia – A Critical Reader by Melissa Chiu and Benjamin Genocchio,. Leonardo On-Line Reviews. November.
  • Hsiao-chiu, Lai. Revelation -Notification: Research Solo Exhibitionby Lin Pey-Chwen
  • Huang, Jeffrey. Smart Offices In Toward a Smart Environment, edited by M. L. ChiuTaipei: Garden City Publishing, 2005.
  • Living Tattoos -
    CHI_Human Computer Interface - ACM
  • Caraës, Marie-Haude and Chloé Heyraud. Jardin & design. Saint-Étienne: Cité du design/Actes sud, 2010.
  • Energy conversion -
    In the plant cell, huge numbers of chlorophyll molecules are linked one to another. When they receive light, they synchronize their activity perfectly. Each of the molecules receives and transmits photons all the way to the reaction center of the
  • Scholar: Martina Chmelarz
  • Artists: Matthew Biederman (QC-CA/US) / Choe U-Ram (KR) / Justine Emard (FR) / Yunchul Kim (KR) / Christa Sommerer (AT) & Laurent Mignonneau (FR) / teamVOID & Youngkak Cho (KR) Curators: Alain Thibault and Dooeun Choi