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  • Christopher Hales studied PhD research on Interactive Film Art at the RCA Film and TV Department, and taught as Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Art of the University of the West of England [Bristol] until 2001. His interactive films and CD-ROMs
  • Salter, Chris and Marije Baalman and Daniel Moody-Grigsby. Between Mapping, Sonification and Composition: Responsive Audio Environments in Live Performance In Proceedings for the 2007 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), edited by
  • 2006 "Zerstörte Welten" with works by Damien Hirst, Mark Dion, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Dieter Buchhart, Gloria Friedmann, Eduardo Kac, et al. curator: Anna-Karina Hofbauer Aarhus Center for Contemporary Art, - Aarhus, Denmark (16.9. -
  • Journey to the Moon -
    Verzaubert von dem ersten Science-Fiction-Film der Geschichte "Le Voyage dans la Lune" (George Méliès, 1902), schafft der zeitgenössische Künstler William Kentridge mit seinem gleichnamigen Werk eine Hommage an den französischen Experimentalfilmer
  • Del Favero, Dennis. Digitally Expanded Forms of Narration In (dis) Locations, edited by Dennis Del Favero and Jeffrey ShawKarlsruhe: ZKM Karlsruhe and The Collegea of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales, Sydney and Cinemedia, Melbourne, 2002.
  • Del Favero, Dennis. The reformulation of narrative within digital cinema as the integration of three models of interactivity In ARC Discovery Project, : 2002.
  • Fantasmi
    Bennett, Jill and Dennis Del Favero. Fantasmi. Sydney, AUS: UNSW Press, 2004.
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • Dennis Del Favero is an Australian artist and professorial fellow. He has been awarded numerous Artist-in-Residencies and Fellowships, including an Artist-in-Residence at Neue Galerie Graz and an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial
  • Editorial
    Shaw, Jeffrey. Editorial In Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents - ZKM Digital Arts Edition 2, edited by ZKM Karslruhe and Neue Galerie Graz am Landesmuseum JoanneumZKM Digital Arts Edition, Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz, 1999.