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  • Salter, Chris and Marije Baalman and Daniel Moody-Grigsby. Between Mapping, Sonification and Composition: Responsive Audio Environments in Live Performance In Proceedings for the 2007 International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), edited by
  • Event: CULT 2001: Exploring an interface between Cultural heritage, Net art and State of the art projectsInstitution: CultureNet DenmarkComment:
  • Just Use It ! -
    2007 Nordjyllands Kunstmuseum (June 14 – August 26) “Just Use It !” with works by Yoko Ono, Feliz Gonzales-Torres, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Jeppe Hein, Marco Evaristti, Dieter Buchhart curated by Anna-Karina
  • Weibel, Peter. Schnittflächen der Politik In digital arts edition 2. Dennis Del Favero: Cross Currents, edited by Nikos PapasterigiadisVol.2. ZKM Digital Arts Edition, , 6. Karlsruhe, Graz: Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie and Neue Galerie,
  • 2006 "Zerstörte Welten" with works by Damien Hirst, Mark Dion, Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau, Dieter Buchhart, Gloria Friedmann, Eduardo Kac, et al. curator: Anna-Karina Hofbauer Aarhus Center for Contemporary Art, - Aarhus, Denmark (16.9. -
  • Journey to the Moon -
    Verzaubert von dem ersten Science-Fiction-Film der Geschichte "Le Voyage dans la Lune" (George Méliès, 1902), schafft der zeitgenössische Künstler William Kentridge mit seinem gleichnamigen Werk eine Hommage an den französischen Experimentalfilmer
  • Dennis Del Favero is an Australian artist and professorial fellow. He has been awarded numerous Artist-in-Residencies and Fellowships, including an Artist-in-Residence at Neue Galerie Graz and an Australian Research Council Australian Professorial
  • Brown, Neil and Dennis Del Favero and Jeffrey Shaw and Weibel, Peter. Interactive Narrative as a Multi-Temporal Agency In Future Cinema, edited by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel, 312-315. Cambridge, MASS: MIT Press, 2003.