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  • ... of the pictures shown evoke own experiences, fears and desires. The audio component penetrates even deeper. The synthetic voices of robots appear almost hypnotic and lulling the viewer with their repetitive phrases. The canon of good intentions penetrates...
  • ... by computers, available on the Lovely Music compact disc Music as a Second Lanugage, and the interactive installation Alien Voices. A recent series of installation works, The Edison Effect, uses optics and computers to make new sounds by scanning ancient...
  • ... Institute of Technology, and Bicycle Built for Two Thousand with Daniel Massey, an online project which records voices across the globe singing together. Aaron Koblin also created Flight Patterns in the Network section of the exhibition
  • ...Immersive film, specially designed for a fulldome environment. Multiple 3D landscapes modulated by female voices. The physical absence of the performers is materialized here by the pairing of the spatialization of their litanies to the movement of 3D images. An...
  • ... in imaginary geometries modifying the perception of gravity. A multi-sensory work of extreme emotions, embodied by the voices of two performers. A world of alienation, where exaltation and torment, dizziness and oppression reign. Find more information...
  • ... in imaginary geometries modifying the perception of gravity. A multi-sensory work of extreme emotions, embodied by the voices of two performers. A world of alienation, where exaltation and torment, dizziness and oppression reign. Find more information...
  • ... with TEMPLE, visitors hear white noise (not loud : just as a kind of "heartbeat") from radio receivers as well as people's voices. The public is encouraged to interact with the installation. For three minutes they can call a special, designated phone...
  • ... of international awards for new media art including prizes at Ars Electronica (Austria), Images du Futur (Canada), New Voices, New Visions (USA), Alias/Wavefront (USA) and Nagoya Biennial (Japan). The monograph, Impossible Nature: the art of Jon...
  • Inner Voices -
    ...Event: Inner VoicesInstitution: National Museum of Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Inner Voices -
    ...Event: Inner VoicesInstitution: Planétarium de NantesComment: