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  • ... Curricula Development and New Social Spaces. 2. Meaningful Technologies. 3. Methodology and Multiplicity – Models of...
  • Digital Mudra -
    ... accompanying the western gestures were compared with the meanings of their corresponding Mudra gestures. Mudra, from...
  • die.txt -
    ... user types, individual words spawn outgrowths of alternative meanings and definitions. These metonyms are sucked from Wordnet, a...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... of unimaginable forms, inviting us to decipher their potential meanings. The generative aspect replaces the traditional narrative and...
  • ... called Otto and Mops, his dog. Rather than depending on fixed meanings about what Otto and Mops do, the poem functions as...
  • Old News -
    ... of technical means are used to emphasize, connect, and expand meanings. The subjects are aging, with the consequent decline and...
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ... depends on any communication being divided into small meaningless pieces. These pieces are then combined with a secret and...
  • ... written down and interpreted, the installation is the final meaningless terminus for messages that have traveled around the world...
  • Divers Faits -
    ... which is read through the multiple semiotic and emotional meanings appropriate for each of the present objects in the...
  • Al GRANO: Corn Regime -
    ... is seen as culture where unevenly shaped opinions and meanings are formed in engagement with wider economic and political...