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  • Fechner, Gustav Theodor. Elemente der Psychophysik
  • parallel -
    parallel uses Google Earth to track along the 49th parallel, that is, the western border between Canada and the United States. It's about a few other parallels: parallel countries, parallel modes of imaging and imagining, parallels between
  • netomat is a web browser that takes visitors for a ride into an unexplored internet. Unlike traditional web browsers, which retrieve only predefined web content and rely on the model of the page, netomat engages a different internet -- one that is
  • Ellen Pearlman. The brain as a hackable driver
  • Ellen Pearlman. The brain as a hackable driver
  • Newtown Creek is a massively contaminated Superfund site running through the Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Bushwick neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York. For the AR artwork "Newtown Creek (oil spill)" Tamiko Thiel has created a 3D object from the
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • Charzyńska, Jadwiga and Ryszard W. Kluszczyński and Wolfgang Strauss and Monika Fleischmann. »VIDEO: The opening of the Performing Data exhibition by Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss in Laznia CCA in Gdańsk, Poland.«
  • Relational Architecture 3 RE:Positioning Fear was the third relational architecture project. A large scale installation on the Landeszeughaus military arsenal with a “teleabsence” interface of projected shadows of passers-by. Using tracking