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  • ... In the first place, subsituing animal genes with human ones seems to contextualise an issue that aims to override its own... level, then the central mind, the informational context that drives this change, might be rediscussed. We tend to consider that...
  • ... the slightest movement of the head or of parts of the face drives them off. The portraits are thus in constant flux, they...
  • ... information and data systems, and the raw hardware that drives these technologies, draws on aesthetic, engineering and...
  • ...Seaman, Bill. Four Transcultural Case Studies: Transmedial Walks, Drives and Observations Technoetic Arts 10 (March 2013): 2-3.
  • Elke Reinhuber's work focuses on decision making processes and counterfactual thoughts in media arts. As a decidophobic in her own life, she explores alternative layers of the here and now with immersive environments and expanded photography.
  • ... artistic freedom better – butthrough limitations, one starts also to become more aware, critical and possibly even... with current technology). Digital files are stored on hard drives and theirclones and I even kept two old computers from the...
  • ... are constituted by metadata might be brought to light, questioned, and, perhaps most pressingly, how they might be disrupted. ... and knowledge. It is at the heart of our age: it underpins, drives, and shapes information economies, societal networks, search...