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  • Emotion Ringtones -
    ... the world network and displays the result in the shape of words representing the previously selected emotions, accompanied by...
  • which---side -
    ... to highlight the sculptural quality and spatial meaning of the words. Retaining their political contents, the work insinuates the...
  • asciiimage -
    ... its visitors. This net-art work discusses the intersections of words and images by implementing an algorithm that recognizes...
  • Noise and Smoke -
    ... from the receiver of the other phone. Additionally, spoken words are also translates into smoke that evaporates from the mouth...
  • ... recognition technology, totally influenced by the dominant words of this conversation. Like in Labylogue, art installation, by...
  • ... images gives people a spectral quality, turning them, in Cirio’s words, into “a digital shadow haunting the real world”."- - - - - - - -...
  • Exploded Views 2.0 -
    ... colors and suffering hues, fully recognizable yet far beyond words. This is what the world looks like when we navigate the virtual...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... is visible at a glance. Parallel streams of images and words run along the projection screen. Images of projects and people...
  • Breathless
    ... noise of street (environment). Computer searches for all words, related to the concept "of fear" (for first sculpture) and...
  • ... differences of individual and collective perception. In other words, the sequence and choices that each viewer selects reflect his...