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  • ... camp. About 4 years ago the plug was finally pulled on... switches are now given labels to aid the user. The...
  • Cityscapes
    ... where people can share their experiences of the places...
  • ... Special thanks to: The Department of Art, Art... University The Emergence Lab Signature Signs, Westport MA ...
  • ...Pure Land immerses visitors in the quintessential heritage of...
  • ... research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts....
  • ... could feel on our bodies the presence of others at a...
    ... in real time across the network to make the... on image to enter online labyrinth where live CCTV data...
  • Home Transfer -
    ...HOME TRANSFER looks at the relationship between home, architecture...
  • ...schein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St. Stefan ob...
  • ... who has been active in the field of media art since... Visual Studies, MIT Media Lab, and Harvard University’s...